
Working with you to navigate the planning process successfully

when you understand the landscape the rest falls into place

Landscape Assessment for Planning

All developments will have an effect on the landscape in which they sit, the key is 'in' not 'on'.  Change is a recognised part of landscape management, it doesn't have to be harmful.  If a project is based on a solid understanding of the site and its context it will naturally evolve into a quality design which responds to its surroundings and delivers obvious benefits to its users and its environment. 

The Landscape Institute have produced a series of standard processes and guidance notes on the accepted methodologies for assessing the effects of development on the landscape and its visual receptors.  tirwel has years of experience using these and a strongly held belief that they should be applied in a considered and proportionate manner.  We won't throw everything at every project at the very beginning, but that is the best stage to bring us in.

Before you start any design in earnest you need a thorough appraisal of the site, the baseline.  Then you have an idea of what can work, how to respond to any sensitivities, how to approach obtaining planning approval - are you going for Permission in Principle, Outline Planning, Full Planning? Once you have a set of proposals you need to know if the changes they will bring are acceptable, can they be mitigated, do they comply with planning policy, the assessment. 

tirwel prepares clear, robust and objective landscape and visual assessments which conform with all the relevant guidance using a range of software and equipment.  We want you to present the best possible solution for your development to the planning authority so that they can approve it with confidence. 

tirwel also offers Building With Nature assessment, this benchmark enables projects to incorporate green infrastructure within proposals and demonstrate a viable commitment to delivering sustainable developments. It is recognised and understood by planning authorities across our region.

We don't just work with developers, we also work with communities in preparing landscape studies or local landscape character assessments to inform Neighbourhood Plans, it's a great way to get out and discover a new area as well as helping local volunteers to share their experience of their place to shape its future. 

30 Ferris Town, Truro TR1 3JJ
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